
5 Signs that you Need to Switch to a Construction Management Platform

The construction domain is inherently challenging, regardless of the size and scale of projects. Delays and overruns are common despite the best efforts invested by managers. A McKinsey study shows that large projects go up to 80% over budget and 20% extend past the schedules. The industry has been sluggish in embracing innovation, which makes these challenges a tad bigger. However, many construction management platforms have come to the forefront in the last decade, and businesses rely on them to smarten up their projects. If you are yet to embrace a solution, here are some signs that indicate you should make the switch right away.

Communication Glitches

According to KPMG research data, 82% of project owners feel that they require more collaboration with their contractors. Moreover, construction projects involve massive workforces, multiple teams, and stakeholders who need to collaborate closely from start to end. Poor communication between them can lead to errors, delays, and rework, and missed deadlines. Modern construction project management solutions are capable of streamlining communication and improving collaboration, regardless of the size of the projects. Managers and teams can use a software solution to access documents and data across platforms, communicate issues quickly, and address them on time.

Inadequate tracking and control

If your project managers are struggling to track approvals and change orders, it is time to empower them with construction management software at the earliest. Tracking often becomes a problem when you have multiple processes and teams to manage, and documentation appears to get lost under piles of paperwork. Hunting down these critical pieces of information can cause wastage of time. Not being able to access these can even cut down productivity and profits. A software platform centralizes all the project-related information in one location, so managers end up with better tracking and control.

Budgeting and cost hassles

Another indication that you should quickly switch to a construction software solution is growing hassles with budgeting. For a project manager, crunching numbers, sorting through invoices, and handling taxes may be a real burden. A software application with budgeting and cost control features can simplify these tasks so you can focus on the core jobs. Further, it enables real-time budget tracking, facilitates payroll management, and helps generate accurate estimates for future projects.

Mobility needs

Mobility is a boon for everyone working on construction projects. In particular, managers cannot afford to be tethered to a single spot while working on a large site because they need to manage operations and workers everywhere. A mobile-compatible construction project management app can be a wise investment for any construction business because it empowers the users with flexibility and mobility to access project data anytime and anywhere. Mobility solutions also let users collaborate seamlessly and managers to supervise projects remotely.

Lack of transparency

Another sign that you need to invest in a construction management platform is a lack of transparency in projects. If your clients and stakeholders aren’t happy with the facts and reports you share, it is a serious concern because they may not trust you eventually. A construction-specific software solution helps you provide them transparency and real-time visibility into the project progress, with key statistics like cost, scheduling, resource allocation, and field reports. It becomes easy to keep stakeholders and decision-makers in the loop and provide up-to-the-minute progress reports to the clients.

According to McKinsey Global Institute, the construction industry is among the least digitized industries. However, the sheer size and complexity of projects make the digital transformation a necessity. Switching to a construction management platform requires massive investment in terms of software cost and training expenses. You may also face employee resistance at the initial phase. But the effort and investment are worthwhile, considering that the software can open long-term growth potential for your business.


As digitization becomes a growing trend in the construction segment, most businesses have embraced construction management software, and others are quickly following suit. If you haven’t done it yet, here are some signs that indicate a quick switch is the wisest thing to do.

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